


Aryan Jain

Student & Software Developer | Carnegie Mellon SCS

Passionate about ML and Robotics. Experienced in Software Development. Always building something new.



VEX Robotics - Spin Up

  • Designed, built, and programmed two robots throughout the year
  • Led team to VEX State and World Championships as captain
  • Used Flywheel and Catapult robot designs to score discs
  • Trained the robot for autonomous movement using sensor inputs

VEX Robotics - Tipping Point

  • Designed, built, and programmed three robots throughout the year
  • Led team to VEX State and World Championships as captain
  • Applied core robot design principles and programming techniques
  • Trained the robot for autonomous movement using sensor inputs

VEX Robotics - Tower Takeover

  • Robot used a double reverse 4 bar system to achieve a height of 7ft
  • Helped design, build, and program the robot as team captain
  • Featured in local newspaper and presented to City of Calabasas
  • Programmed for autonomous path planning and control using C++

Artificial Intelligence

Plant Disease Detection and Classification

  • Built a computer vision model using ResNet architecture
  • Can identify and categorize plant disease with high accuracy
  • Presented findings at Carnegie Mellon's AI4ALL Research Program
  • Used data augmentation to increase training data

Object Detection and Bounding (CNN)

  • Created an AI model to detect common road objects in a given scene
  • Could be applied in autonomous driving and other areas
  • Presented research project to students and graduates in Inspirit AI
  • Used 3 CNN approaches: Perceptron, Sliding Windows, and YOLO

Tumor Classification (Regression)

  • Made an AI model to classify breast tumors as benign or malignant
  • Uses features such as tumor radius, surface area, and shape
  • Implemented a model that used multivariable regression
  • Used public dataset from health agencies with biopsies

Other AI Projects

  • Made an reinforcement learning model to play blackjack against. Used an Epsilon-Greedy learning approach.
  • Aligning 3d models to scans with Bayesian Optimization at Machina Labs
  • ML and sensor fusion models at Hadrian
  • Many smaller labs and projects at Inspirit AI and AI4ALL @ CMU


TexPilot @ HackCMU

  • Built a browser extension of Overleaf to help college students write LaTeX
  • Includes LaTeX code generation w/ LLaMA 2 & code-formatting with Perl
  • Worked in a team of 3 at HackCMU, presented the project to judges
  • Valuable experience in extension development and using LLMs


  • Created a smart fire detection system connected to AWS
  • Used Arduino, ESP8266, and sensors to build a prototype
  • Worked with AWS IoT, AWS Lambda, and other cloud services
  • Presented project at a district tech conference and blogged weekly


In my free time, I like to keep up with the NBA and play basketball. I've also played soccer for many years. Outside of sports, I like to read sci-fi novels, play video games, and research investments. Lastly, one of my favorite hobbies is exploring new tech frameworks and hunting for new tech ideas. I'm always developing some or the other project and on the lookout for new ideas to build.